Tag Archives: cupcakes

Craving Cupcakes

Pierson was picked up by his Dad on Monday and I desperately needed to do some yoga. I took Parx and Violet (my niece) to the gym with me. After a nice workout, I figured it was time to give our bodies some much needed: SUGAR! What better way to consume sugar, than to head […]

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Life with Kaishon My best friend started a cupcake business : )
I am so proud of her.
These are very pretty.
What is not to like about cupcakes?August 3, 2011 – 9:48 pm

Maury Potts Such a big girl hairdo!!!! So darling! Her and Sammy will make beautiful babies when they are grown up and married 🙂 if that had been j or s, those cupcakes would have been smushed in ten seconds! Such a sweet dainty girl’August 3, 2011 – 10:52 am