Oh weeee do you remember this couple?! They will be having a baby boy to dote on… very soon. .love. (this was already written on the door when we arrived, so I had them hop right on in!!!)
Oh the wind was blowblowblowing. I couldn’t help – but to laugh A LOT… throughout the session… because Jayce, the beautiful mama to be, was so patient, easy going and beautiful as her hair kept whipping her in the face. She is such a wonderful person.
by Arden Prucha
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October 19, 2011 – 9:30 pm
Love that brick wall! So un-uniform, great texture…and precious family to boot!October 19, 2011 – 6:14 pm
She looks positively fantastic. Congratulations to them! : )Bree is quite the fashion guru – literally. This gal’s job: Personal Shopper HELLO!!! How much fun is that? Not only is she quite the fashionista, but she is gorgeous… AND .tiny. (notice the lower case?) We pushed her maternities back a bit, so that she was as big as could be. We wound […]
by Arden Prucha
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August 8, 2011 – 2:11 pm
how beautiful – great job of catching all the emotions. This great granny just knows baby will be beautiful. thanks Tanner’s grannyBeautiful Pics………..Great Job and a Wonderful, Beautiful Couple. My grandson is going to be such a good looking little boy.
Tanner’s MomAugust 8, 2011 – 12:12 pm
August 8, 2011 – 11:10 am
I agree with Kimmy 100%. Love these, they are simply gorgeous.August 8, 2011 – 9:12 am
Beautiful! The thing I love about your work (from a photographers perspective) is that you capture so much detail without making the detail seem thick and weighted! It’s so light feeling, like capturing the natural clarity is effortless! *sigh* I am seriously such a fan!August 8, 2011 – 9:06 am
I would have given ANYTHING to be that cute while pregnant. Seriously? She is stunning. And great work, like usual, Arden.June 21, 2012 – 6:18 pm
[…] Family 21 Jun You may remember precious Bree when she was [barely] [and nearly full term] […]by Arden Prucha
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February 28, 2011 – 4:12 pm
I told my husband that my “push present” when I finally do get pregnant, is that he has to fly us out for a maternity session with you!! 😉It was lovely receiving a phone call from Stephanie. She and I have a good mutual friend and she was having a baby shower in honor of her first child! The thing is, Steph lives in NYC and not only that she was in the process of moving to Napa… so it was very important […]
by Arden Prucha
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January 28, 2011 – 12:43 am
Arden – you captured everything perfectly! Thank you so much. These photos will be a wonderful keepsake of this amazing time in my life and our friends and family that have helped us celebrate.
by Arden Prucha
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