Another tutorial – how to add POP to an image – very easy… and FAST! 🙂 Now some Before and Afters images of my kiddos, using similar techniques as above! Normal Photos of my babes!
Another tutorial – how to add POP to an image – very easy… and FAST! 🙂 Now some Before and Afters images of my kiddos, using similar techniques as above! Normal Photos of my babes!
June 25, 2011 – 6:56 pm
Again, I love the bubble bath pics. Gosh they are awesome. And P girl is just beautiful. Especially love the first one of her in the bath. Those lips are so cute. And her eyes “POP” 🙂June 25, 2011 – 10:11 am
Thanks Arden. : ) What lovely children you have!June 6, 2011 – 11:37 pm
Thanks for sharing! I have been playing around with it and I finally got it! So quick and easy!June 1, 2011 – 12:41 am
I tried this but I must have done it completely wrong!! My pic went super dark. Is there a way to make the pictures bigger so I can see a little better what you did in the begining? I am so confused haha! I love this and really wanted to try it
Thanks Arden for tuto !May 28, 2011 – 6:56 am
May 27, 2011 – 1:00 pm
Thanks Arden! This tutorial has been very helpful!! Thanks for sharing!May 27, 2011 – 12:47 pm
Ohhhhh the bubble bath pictures.. Melt my heart….May 27, 2011 – 12:28 pm
Ok, your kids are beyond cute! I love the picture of your little one crying right next to the dog. I know she was upset, but it is a very very sweet photo.May 27, 2011 – 12:18 pm
Thank you for sharing, but how can I concentrate on the editing info when I can’t take my eyes off these adorable photos of your babies! <3May 27, 2011 – 4:04 pm
[…] the eyes (great tutorial by Arden Prucha can be found here on how to do it – I love her work). I used the brush to “pop” the eyes, hair, […]
by Arden Prucha
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