Arden Prucha Photography bio picture
  • HI! I am Arden Prucha Jenkins - a photographer located in Fort Worth, Texas! I specialize in portraiture and more recently weddings! Please take a look around and get to know my work, my style, my life, and me.

    How did I get into photography? Well, everyone has their story right? Looking back I realize that the little photog was in me all along, without even knowing it! I picked up a camera when I was around 8 and started snapping photos - I even posed my neighbors, animals, and Barbies for photos (seriously I made a Barbie wedding and photographed the entire thing). 

    Who am I? Well, I was a teacher for three years, but was able to leave that job to focus on photography and my two beautiful children!  I married a man who I am totally smitten over and he is crazy supportive of me.  I am a bargain shopper with expensive taste.  God allows me to trust this world with less fear and more hope and trust.  Music makes my heart flutter - so thankfully I married a very talented musician. I wish I could carry a tune, but unfortunately I cannot. My favorite month is October (dreamy light) and I miss my convertible - oh the beautiful wind .  When I was little I was amazingly or perhaps annoyingly hyper - and ate more food than all of the boys and was faster than most of them too.  I was a dancer and I love to write and converse.  When I am around people I get more energy and become alive. The differences between women and men intrigue me and kiddos make my heart melt. Photos... well, they fill my heart.

    Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoy what you see.

    If you have any questions or feedback please share with me:

Farewell Sweet Pete

Right before Paul and I were engaged – and I probably had baby fever – we were talking about getting a dog.

One day we went to Petsmart and found Pete!

Well, not long after we adopted Pete were newly married AND expecting a baby.

Through two new babies, Pierson, running a business, Paul and his busy side jobs, life and focus – we have not been the best dog owners.

I knew it was time – for Pete to find a better home.

More suited for him.

For more attention.  More outdoor adventures. More interaction, love, and excercise.

I had been contemplating this for over a year (even before Jasper was in our family, in fact one reason we got Jasper was to entertain Pete – as a buddy).

To be honest, Paul and I never knew we would not be good dog owners, but luckily realized it and wanted to fix the situation.

It wasn’t fair to Pete, it wasn’t fair to anyone.

Lucky for us Pete’s original foster mom saw a FB post about Pete needing a home.

So, she helped us find one for him!

A couple, about our age, who lived right across from her.

Engaged to be married next year and dog lovers!

Both artists. He is an opera singer, she is a painter!

(how cool is that?!)

We met them at the house, they met Pete – and took him over a couple of days – for a trial period.

Well, it’s Pete – so DUH they loved him.

I mean he really is a good boy.

Pierson had not been able to say ‘good-bye’ so Janna brought him over for a last farewell with the kids.

It wasn’t sad, it felt right. There was more joy than sadness.

Pete(r) is with his new family, who already love him so much.

They have re-named him: Peter Barker – get it?! 🙂

Meet Peter’s new mama: Janna

(she’s cute huh?! Peter got lucky.)

Our kids – sharing their last bit of love with him.

Parx loved it and kept going ‘oh Pete!’

Pierson started bossing Pete right away, how unusual! 😉

(Parx was also very interested in his nipples – along with everyone else’s in the house, could it be the nursing baby?)Best buds.

Pierson was great, not even a wimper.

Probably good to do the goodbye AFTER he had been gone for a while.Our pooch, what a handsome boy he is.
You are a great dog, Pete.

We will truly miss you.

We LOVE YOU and hope to doggie sit often.

May your life be full of belly rubs, games of fetch, lovely walks with your family, endless amounts of bones and treats, playmates and precious love pats.

Be good Pete.  Sweet boy.


Auldridge Peek

Just a trio of three beautiful ladies!Miss T… She is a SENIOR!!!

More to come at a later date.

Keri Very lovely and wonderful pictures 🙂September 12, 2011 – 3:51 pm

Fading Color Balance

When I am shooting babes – I notice how pink/red/purple their skin can be.

I just wanted to show a quick post of how I change the color balance for a newborn photo.

Here is the original file – shot raw with settings:

ISO 400, SS 1/640s, and f/2.8

I open in Adobe Camera Raw (or LIGHT ROOM) and tweak the luminance of red/pink/orange (increase a bit).

Also decreasing the saturation of red/orange.

This is where I also adjust fill light, exposure and contrast.
Here it is open in PS – CS4.

I use the CLONE STAMP to clone out all of the unwanted marks, dry skin, blemishes and black metal plate with screw.

(compare the above and below image)I then open the color balance (ctrl+B on mac).

Move the slider away from RED – I will sometimes add some yellow, so it’s not so greenish blue.
Because it is so heavy on the cyan side, I want to fade the color balance (you can always fade your LAST STEP if you immediately go into the EDIT tab).

I slide the bar until I find the right color – so this time I chose 49% of the color balance edit.

You can compare this below image – it’s a bit warmer than the image above.Then I run my SUPER ACTION.

This includes imagenomic noiseware, Totally Rad Actions, and some level tweaking, sharpening and a soft light layer.

Final Fine Art Edit:BW Final Fine Art Edit:
The process from original to finals:

annie You’re just amazing for sharing all these tips with other photographers! Thank you for the time you spend to share that incredible knowledge!
You’re very creative.
p.s. love the headband… notice you were wearing it in another post–I’m gonna try to get my daughter to wear mine too! 😉September 23, 2011 – 8:48 pm

Anina This is SO very helpful:-) Thanks a lot!!September 13, 2011 – 9:49 am

Heidi Williams I appreciate your candid sharing so much! I’m just an amateur but I am continually inspired by your work. You are amazingly talented, but you also have a gift for teaching. Posts like this, your posing post, your camera bag post and of course your amazing birth story post keep me coming back for more. Thank you for sharing MORE than just your final product with us!September 11, 2011 – 1:42 pm

Lisa Laposata Arden, I follow your photography through fb, as I have always had an interest in the art. I’m a “dabbler”, though, as cake design has always been the primary channel for my artistic expression. So I find it incredibly generous, that you share your photo tutorials, as it removes the guessing work for those of us who appreciate producing a more refined photo, without being a pro. Tips and techniques are merely ingredients, but the true “secret” in the recipe of your success is your vision. Thanks for realizing your talent and style remain yours, even in sharing your knowledge!September 11, 2011 – 11:48 am

mel arden you are amazing…i have been in ‘lurkdom’ !! for quite some time now…admiring and loving everything you do…but this time i can’t go by without commenting…thankyou for these sorts of posts…thankyou for being so generous and giving…i just eat up and crave the information you share 🙂 …God has blessed you with amazing talents….please never stop being you…
from your biggest fan down under…australia, mel xxxSeptember 11, 2011 – 10:22 am

annie This is such a wonderful post!! Thank you for all your suggestions and tutorials! You’re incredible!September 11, 2011 – 10:22 am

Kyla So nice! Nice of you to share, nice photo, nice edit, NICE baby! 🙂September 11, 2011 – 10:09 am

Meghan Love your fine art edit – it’s gorgeous. This is so super helpful – I just hope I can end up with awesome results like yours. 🙂 I will be shooting my first newborn session this week and find all of your posts so helpful! Thanks for sharing so much.September 11, 2011 – 9:46 am

A little Q [and] A:

 I was in a talkative mood – on the FB page and asked if anyone had any Qs for me.

Well, I got some decent feedback – and decided to put them in a post… so I didn’t have answers scattered everywhere!

Here are what some peeps asked:

One thing I’ve noticed when you post the details of shots is that you always use higher shutter speeds – is that cause you prefer to shoot wide open? (I see some of your photos though and I’m astonished at how clear & crisp the entire photos are for such a low aperture!) I’d love the juicy (or not so juicy) details on how you go about deciding your values when shooting (and in what order). (p.s. congrats on being a new momma again!)

Higher shutter is definitely THE WAY TO GO because you do NOT want any motion blur in the image. I have been a lot more confident in bumping up my ISO or aperture (technically narrowing it) than I used to. I haven’t been getting too wide on my recent shoots, as I noticed some lack of crisp’ness! 🙂 If I had to pick between wide aperture or slow shutter, I would DEFINITELY pick wide aperture. If you get that focal point dead on – with a wide f-stop it’s FINE, but if you have the focal point dead on with a slower shutter, that motion blur can ruin image after image. I also love my Imagenomic noiseware, should I have a high ISO that causes grain! (I also have the markii, which makes the noise quite a bit less apparent).

These photos are all at f/2.0

Do you ever really get burnt out on photography? If so, how do you keep that from happening and how do you find inspiration?

OF COURSE I get burnt out. I also think that being a mother of three can make me ‘not want to work.’ Or at least I often feel like not working, but once I am in the groove I love it!

Seeking out the RIGHT clients, is some of the best inspiration! Having beautiful people inside and out can really get your heart in the right place for a shoot.

Work is still work, but gosh aren’t we so lucky to have a bad’ace job?! Creating, socializing, and capturing an image – that cannot be duplicated!

I just have to remember that I could be cooped up in some office, cubicle, or behind a sales counter.

 I feel blessed to be in the comfort of my own home, raise my children, take lunch dates and time off whenever I need it.

That SHOULD be enough inspiration for me – but being your own boss is hard.  Sometimes this BOSS isn’t hard enough on deadlines. 🙂

How is work and 3 little ones going?

It is going… I think right now is easier than later. Since Eden is still a pretty sleepy babe, our schedule isn’t too different. However, once that girl naps less and is movin’ and groovin’ I have a feeling things will be A LOT different. 

I should add, that she is a baby that LOVES to be held – so often times I am working ONE HANDED.  My typing is slow and my mouse skills diminished! 🙂

I am just jonesing for shooting – how fun it is to create new images. New sessions are coming up soon, yay! 

I will work a bit, but try not to get too busy, since I have a 3 week old!

When you first started out how was the pace? Did your photography business start off fast or slow? What helped you get your name out?

This can TOTALLY be answered in these interviews below.  It started off slowly, while I was teaching and second shooting. 

What helped get my name out?  Being an I HEART FACES member – where I interacted a lot and I was one of their ‘featured photogs’ pretty early on.  Then writing little posts – like THIS ONE for “Inspire Me Baby!”

I also am an open book and don’t feel any need to hoard stuff – so people have been so wonderful and trusting with me! 🙂  My following has grown TREMENDOUSLY in the last few months – at least for lil’ole ME – just a young family gal who photographs in TEJAS.

  Can we see more pictures of your house? I know this may be slightly stalker-esque, but every pic I’ve seen of a piece of your house has just left me wanting to see more! Like if you offered tours, I’d totally pay for one!

Um, yeah – when I get it FINISHED ‘decorating’ it. We moved in 1 week shy of Parx’ birth. Which headed straight into busy season, followed by holidays and a year with a new baby and fairly new business.

Then… I get pregnant AGAIN… during the busiest work time of my life.

So decorating (something I am not gifted at) has been slow. 

We just had some new built ins put in… how am I going to decorate these?

 What’s the best lens for taking portraits ???

Well, it really depends on YOUR style AND the type of portraits you do.  Prime lenses (non zoom or FIXED) provide the most crisp and buttery images EVER! When I say buttery – I am speaking of the yummy blurred bokeh in the background. 
I adore my 85mm 1.2 for portraits – and am awaiting the purchase of a 50 1.2, I know I will fall head over heels for that fella!

Utilizing the 85:

(fyi – I love this lens, but not everybody will – I suggest you RENT a lens, try it and go from there.  You do not want to waste money for a lens you won’t like.)

 How can I make pictures of people look better? I can take pictures of objects and they look cool but people not so cool! !

 Well, I don’t think I can make photos of objects look cool – so maybe you have something going for you! 🙂  Still photography is amazing – I wish I was great at it, but haven’t taken the time to get better.

So I would say practice practice. Posing and making your clients comfy and real is one of the MOST challenging things to become good at.  Especially if you are ‘newer’ and worrying about settings, lighting, placement, etc.

After lots and lots of shoots, you start to meld everything together – a nice and cohesive mixture of ALL things that matter in a photograph: lighting, mood, placement, location, shadows (or lack there of – I prefer), distance, EMOTIONS, flattering positions (not shooting from below), and getting them to laugh and be real. 

Ugh, it’s hard work… harder than a lot of people realize! 🙂  If you aren’t confident, they won’t be confident!

What settings do u use for newborn photography using natural light? I’ve had problems doing and I tried w a high ISO but then the pictures have too much noise…. Do u recommend using a flash? I have a Canon T31.

I don’t use a general setting, because the lighting is different everywhere I go.  I utilize natural light for 99% of my newborn sessions.  Your camera doesn’t handle ISO quite like my Canon 5D Markii, but mine was A LOT more mula… eeek.:)

I recommend the noiseware software that runs through Photo Shop.  It is by: Imagenomic. Really smooths out an image.  I do not shoot as wide as I could on newborns, it really blurs out some of their features.  What you want to make sure to do is keep the baby nice and sharp while the background fades out nicely!

Here is my daughter – in natural light – using my 50mm 1.4.  My settings: ISO 400, SS 1/640s, F-2.8

When you use noiseware, does it lower your DPI drastically?

Um, I don’t think so?!  Honestly – I have no idea, but my fine art images ALL have noiseware run on them.  They look beautiful and smooth, yet still sharp!

(I would shoot a message to the company to find out for sure) 

In the pictures of newborns where they are sitting/laying on something big and squishy with blankets covering, what are the options for what they’re laying on? (If that even makes sense)

I use a cylinder shaped beanbag, a boppy and blankets!  Many newborn photographers have the newborn nest, though pricy it is said to be perfect!

Since I am not solely a newborn photographer I couldn’t justify spending nearly $200 for one, but I am sure it’s great to have!

I have also accumulated props here and there.  I haven’t had many newborns recently but should have a couple coming up.

I think it’s important to have enough props to have your sessions be a bit different from the last.

Etsy is fantastic for finding knit goodies, headbands, and props!

Can a shy or introverted photographer be successful? 

I am NOT an introverted person and never have been, but with age – the extrovert dims down a bit each year. 🙂 

Introverted people, does not a ‘bad photographer’ make! 🙂

We all have skills and talents, sure I am a talker, a socializer and blabber (see this post)… but sometimes I am sure I talk too much.

Also, certain traits attract and repel people.  I wouldn’t be surprised if I turn off people – because of my open and loud attitude.

As long as you have confidence, skills and LOVE during your shoot – you will rock it.  

I firmly believe that it takes a good 30 minutes to even get comfy with your clients on a shoot. So make sure those first thirty minutes are spent making sure you really capture awesome images, rather than worry or fear.

ROCK IT OUT, with a bit of shyness – or pizazz… our differences are what set us apart!

Can you also talk about posing in your blog. Such a challenge for me and so many photographers. Merci mon amie 🙂 

Awh posing, something that I used to SUCK at. I mean, I am not the greatest poser now, but I have come a LOOOOOONG way.

For me creativity unfolds in layers – like an onion.

Once I got the technical stuff down, I started using location and light better.  Once that was down, I started getting confident.

Once I was confident, had my gear down and knew how to use the space and light… I started to understand POSING and composition!

Magazines, catalogs, and tender true moments really are the inspiration behind my sessions.

Everyone is different.  Some photographers need no inspiration, they’re just gifted at creating amazing moments.

I will flip through ads and get a feel for the positioning of limbs, the connection of the subjects, how the surroundings and props are utilized.

Then it goes in my head – my memory bank – for inspiration later.  Though I don’t identically copy stuff. That doesn’t feel right.

(also confidence with your subjects will help them be at ease)

One key thing I do: I do the pose myself, show them what to do… then we all go from there! 

You can practice in the mirror too – if you really want to get good. 😉 ha!

Really it’s about moving the body comfortably, relaxing and making it realistic.

(thanks to Elisabeth Carol and Shareen Frater for the behind the scenes images!)

That’s it for now – hope the answers are more helpful than hindering!

Cheers. and .LOVE.

Marcela I met you through pinterest and I love your style in pictures and posts, follow you in FB now, you’re very natural and open with your work.
Thanks! I really enjoy it.November 11, 2011 – 2:04 pm

Cindy Meisch Found you on Inspire Me Baby and have gotten totally lost in your blog! Gorgeous work! Thank you for being generous with your information!September 28, 2011 – 9:59 am

Mae Thank you so much for this Arden! I have been experimenting with higher SS and ISOs, this post has given me the extra bit of confidence I need :]September 9, 2011 – 10:14 am

Karin Thank you so much for this post! I am so hungry to learn and it helps to have someone spell it all out. I listened to the interview you posted and heard what you said about getting a mentor. I so wish that I had that, but for now, I can only be taught online by other photogs willing to post tutorials. So thank you for taking the time to help!September 9, 2011 – 9:07 am

Marylie Mach Thank you Arden. You are a wonderful teacher!September 8, 2011 – 7:38 pm

Kimmy holy WOW! I just checked out the noiseware software you suggested – umm, I might have to get that cause it’s INSANE!! (I hate noise, kinda with a passion). I think I might be more comfortable with shooting in higher ISOs (I have a good camera for ISO, but I’m so afraid of it that I don’t even want to bump it higher than 500 even though I know it can handle way more)

Thanks for sharing all your fun tips and tricks! Love it!September 8, 2011 – 3:54 pm

Sarah Potter Seriously… think about hosting a workshop…I’d pay to see you!!September 8, 2011 – 3:18 pm

Amy Great Q&A Arden! Your blog-post are always enjoyable to read 😉September 8, 2011 – 3:12 pm

Amanda Arden, you HAVE to be one of the nicest and most down to earth gals ever! Thanks for…being you!September 8, 2011 – 3:02 pm

The End: Birth

So I have to say FIRST… before the long story and before even MORE photos…

Please watch this slideshow.

Heather Essian – my amazing friend and photographer – put this together.

She asked me to ‘pick a song.’  I chose ‘This Woman’s Work’ by Kate Bush.

If any of you have seen ‘She’s Having a Baby’ you will understand why this song was special.

(AND it’s a John Hughes movie… if that tells you anything about how AWESOME and quirky it is!?)

I adored the movie as a child and that song has ALWAYS conjured up emotions – related with child birth, an adoring spouse and ultimately: LOVE.

Thank you Heather – for devoting hours and hours for us.

We cherish these moments and will always be albe to remember exactly how our sweet E came into this world!

(to see a better version: CLICK HERE – if anyone can tell me why it isn’t showing the text (or full size please let me know!)

Well, if you read my last birth post you know that Paul and I went to bed at 11pm Sunday (14th) – with my midwife, Donnelyn, predicting that I would go into labor just after relaxing and lying down.

So was D right?

Of COURSE she was!

I woke up, once again, with contractions – at MIDNIGHT!

I tracked them for an hour and they were 4-7m apart, this time lasting a full minute and pretty intense.

Got in the bath and had nice and even contractions, so they were NOT slowing down.

Donnelyn came around 2:30 and the contractions had been nice and steady.

Progression wasn’t quick – ya know I kept hearing ‘OH BABY NUMBER THREE will be FAST!’

Well, not necessarily – considering numero uno was an induced birth leading to a cesarean and numero dos was pitocin induced VBAC…

So, my bod had never ‘labored’ on its own before…

I was also very eager and anxious, which probably slowed things down at times.

At 3:30 am I was 3cm and 90% effaced… the contractions started to intensify, but were not quite ‘unbearable.’

The key Donnelynn told me: MELT INTO your contractions. Don’t fight them, don’t tense up, don’t make high pitch noises.

Just… relax.

Well, of course that sounds EASY right?

Ha, not quite.

I would have to tell myself (or have Paul or D tell me) to relax, melt in, let go.

One of the best things Donnelynn would say: “You don’t EVER have to go through THAT contraction again… IT’S OVER.”

Each one would be GONE before I knew it.

The thing I had a hard time with… HOW MANY MORE would I have to endure?

4:30 am roles around and it was time for my family and my photographer to join us.

My husband… I really could not have done it without him.

He guided me through.

He held me.

He caressed me.

He loved me.

He spoke to me.

He prayed for us.

He laughed, he cried, he was the perfect husband and father!We were so tired.

The day before was exhausting – because of early laboring.

Then waking up at 12am… in true labor.

This is 4:30 am.


So glad that our new DVD player has our ‘Pandora’ account on it!

We had the John Mayer station playing… lovely!
Sweet Donnelyn…

At this point I was able to talk in between contractions.

I was even able to SMILE for a bit 🙂Saying something silly I am sure.

We joked because I told Heather – I didn’t get any smiling photos of her (she had a very hard labor).

So we made sure to be silly in a few…

and like I said – it was not QUITE intense yet.My mom and sister…
I wish I had known – to warn them that I wasn’t going to be as ‘friendly’ as the epidural births!

At one point I stopped wanting to converse… or really have anyone around.
Paul’s pockets were my BFF – I remember wanting to find them.

When a contraction would creep up, I would put my thumbs in his pockets and lean on him.

Donnelyn and Sue told me to open my legs as much as I could.

I would sway from side to side or move my hips to find comfort.

This also allowed baby to descend more.

Look at this BIG belly!!!!

It’s weird, to see it now – now that I have her in my arms and not in my womb.We first assumed that this would be the final portion… in the tub.

While I was in the tub, I began to get VERY tired.

In between contractions I would dose off.

This sleeping really frustrated me, I thought: “How can I be progressing if I am falling asleep?!?!”
Once again – a SMILE for the camera… only for the camera 🙂

I told Paul to go grab some coffee – he was just as exhausted as I was.

My mom and sis stepped in to comfort me.
Then I felt it was TIME to get some energy – get OUT OF THE TUB for a while – and WALK AROUND!

I really really wanted things to progress.

So we went on a walk – up and down the street – right at sunrise!

It must be just around 7am at this point.

My sister came with me – it was hot and muggy, but a beautiful day.

I love how my sis and I are mirroring one another.

So true to ‘US.’ 🙂

At this point… I was 6cm, 100% effaced and 0 gestation.

We were getting there!

I was nearing transitional stage!I came back in and was so tired.

Paul was too.

What I love about Donnelyn is that there is NO RUSH.

She is a firm believer in listening to your body.

So we napped, for a short time.

Through the contractions, I lay there – with my husband – peaceful and in rest.

Little did I know that it was about to get harder and more intense.
Our children woke up… not knowing any of this had been going on.

Though, I wasn’t in the mood to see them.

I was in more pain, and wanted to stay focused.

Parx didn’t quite understand.

My family did a great job at keeping them entertained.

This is where I became more ‘stand-offish.’

My conversations lessened A LOT.

I wanted some gentle guidance through contractions.

I wanted to know how much longer I would be laboring.

I was ‘over it,’ but not giving up.

Now, I type all of this – not wanting to sound like it was miserable – it was definitely HARD.

I hated it and loved it.

It is WORK, it is LABOR – hard, intense and beautiful… as every ounce of pain brings me one step closer to my little ‘baby.’

I kept praying to God, “Get me through Lord, help me God, Be with me.”

Sometimes whispering, other times in my head.

I almost forgot to mention – my devotion to HIM – through all of this.

My God – creating life through us… bringing this baby from my womb to my arms.

I prayed – for his hands to assist in the laboring. Reducing pain and bringing baby to us – with no problems.

At this point I was an 8… she suggested some things I do to assist in water breakage.

My water didn’t break though.

Not yet at least.

So, this is the point where I was emotionally ‘done.’


I felt ‘stuck.’

Stuck in this… ‘you are in labor, but baby is NEVER going to come’ moment.

Just before this photo I was in the tub, holding Paul’s hand – and crying, with zero energy and few tears – as that would take more work to create them.

I remember Paul left the room, I am sure he said something to Donnelynn.

It was time to get out of the tub [again] and get this thing going.

D, checked me again and we were SO CLOSE.

She decided to help – help my body move along.

She meant BUSINESS. 🙂

She did some manipulating…

She put me in some positions.

She knew this mama was MORE THAN ready to meet baby Jenkins.

I remember her telling Paul how to stand and that I was going to come over and hang on his arms – while in a squat (sexy huh?).

I waddled over and leaned my back on his belly.

Once the contraction came – I squatted down and hung.

D, helped by putting pressure on my belly.

I remember saying, “I WANT TO PUSH!!!!!”

(I have NEVER felt that feeling before, it was amazing – and scary)

She responded with, “Do what your body tells you.”

So I did. I pushed!

I felt Paul shaking and heard his breathing – he was nervous, excited, scared… perhaps crying for me?

D responds with – okay only 5-10 more.

I thought ‘ARE YOU CRAZY?’

Then the next contraction came and we did it again.

Once again – it was time to push – at least that is what it felt like.

We only did THREE of those and BAM it was time!!!

The baby was ready – my body was ready – I was going to meet him or her so soon.

D told me that if I wanted to have the baby in the tub, we would need to go in there now.

So now I was REALLY was waddling over to the tub.

I had Heather get my sister and mom… I knew they would want to be in there for the birth!

The only problem – our bathroom is NOT roomy.

We had two midwives, their apprentice, the photographer, my mom and sister squeezed in a small area.

The next contraction came… and by golly I loved knowing that it was FINALLY time to push.

I could feel it.

The urge, the desire to get this baby through the birth canal and into my arms!

One of the most special moments of the entire day is… when Donnelyn looked at Paul and said,

“Paul, I want you to repeat everything I say…

she may not hear me,



She was right. I would hear my husband.

He was my rock. He was my love. He is the father of my children.

So, I listened.

I never thought I would make noises… but I did.

Even though pushing is painful, it was NOT the most painful part of the labor.

This was the FINAL portion of the ENTIRE process.

Pushing – is easy!
As I pushed I could feel each little thing happening.

At first I thought I felt the crowning, but in fact it was my bag – of water coming through and breaking.

 A nice cushion prepping my body for the soon to come head…

Then I felt it, the head coming, crowning.

I remember D telling me ‘if I tell you to stop pushing, stop.’

I kept thinking to myself – if she asks me to stop – there is NO WAY I can stop!

Luckily for all of us, she NEVER said STOP! 🙂

So I pushed… again…

My baby’s head was out.

I knew, that was the hardest part – get that body out and baby will be HERE!

So I pushed again… and baby came into the water.

This was when I finally opened my eyes and looked down as I watched her come into the water.

I started saying – over and 0ver – ‘My baby, my baby, my baby!’

I looked at Paul – he was red. He was crying with me.

We were so happy – and in shock that it was OVER.

Our baby was here!!!
Then I was in reality and heard my mom say ‘WHAT IS IT????’So I felt down under the bottom and said, “I think it’s a girl?” and they helped me pick the baby up…

‘IT’S A GIRL!!!!!!’

See us smiling – Paul said, “YOU GOT YOUR GIRL!!”
Parker and Pierson came in.

I told Pierson, “It’s a girl.”

I did see disappointment on his face.

I know he really wanted a brother.

He never told me he was sad, he said – Mommy, I am happy I have another sister.

What a strong boy. 🙂I did start losing blood after the birth.

D got me out of the tub, prior to the placenta delivery.

She wanted to be able to measure how much blood I was losing, rather than in the water.

Unfortunately it was more than they would want.

I became quite colorless and out of it.

I got a little bit of tunnel hearing – not being able to focus and passed the baby over to Paul.

The good thing, D was ready to take care of me.

I did have an IV, some pitocin and some chlorophyll to assist in replenishing.

Once that IV hit about half to three quarters empty I started feeling MUCH better.

Amen and thanks to my team for being proactive and watchful!

I love that my team also included the children in the Newborn screening!

So special for them… see Pierson listening to his baby sister’s heart? 🙂
Parx meeting her sister for the first time!
My daughter:

Eden Meredith Jenkins

7lbs 10oz

20.25″ long

Born on August 15th, 2011

at 11:08 A.M.

In our Home.

Would I do it again?


Did I think that right off the bat?


I wish I wouldn’t have waited so long to swap over.

I didn’t know what to expect – nor did I prep my family enough.

I do not feel ‘finished’ yet with children.

Paul may be done?

We will have to re-evaluate our family situation when the time comes.

I am so thankful for everyone who supported me in this decision.

There can be people who will tell you ‘you are crazy’ and that ‘it’s unsafe.’

Maybe I was crazy – but I am very happy and confident in our birthing choice.

Donnelyn, Sue and Melissa took great care of US – all of us!

They gave me space when I needed it.

They helped me through painful moments.

The advised me and helped when we were frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed.

They intervened when necessary.

They provided us with love – prayer – and a beautiful birth!

We are blessed and Edie is a great baby – happy – healthy and perfect!

She has completed this long wait, as a perfect addition to our family.

We are all IN LOVE!

Special thanks to PAUL – for your AMAZING DEVOTION to your laboring wife.

My family – for being there and loving us… and all of the support BEFORE AND AFTER baby Eden joined our lives.

For our midwifery team for carrying us through and making our health and desires priority… and keeping us safe.

The infinite amount of blessings and prayers we received from our friends whom we have met and yet to meet!

You have all been so wonderful for Paul and me – in this journey.

We love you all!!!

(if you want to get even MORE into my birth story… here is a video moments after birth!)

Tara Eveland Amazing! this is the most gorgeous thing ive ever seen! congrats to the familyAugust 16, 2013 – 7:30 am

vanessa H Ohh Arden thank you so much for sharing the pictures and video!!! IT made me cry like a baby!!! God bless your beautiful family!!!August 15, 2013 – 8:01 pm

Richelle You are the most amazing inspirational woman I know!August 15, 2013 – 7:46 pm

someone That’s selfish of you to put you’re baby’s life at risk like that. Home births have have triple the mortality rate. Consider yourself lucky.March 13, 2013 – 1:13 pm

Kacey This literally brought tears to my eyes! Gorgeous!August 13, 2012 – 10:51 am

Kelly I am literally crying with joy seeing these pictures. So beautiful and so inspiring:)April 18, 2012 – 4:09 pm

jackie Wow this is such a precious birth story it really makes me feel like I too can have a VBAC and maybe even a HBAC. I also had my first pregnancy induced ending up in a c-section something I wish,hope, and pray to avoid this time around thank you so much for sharing.February 27, 2012 – 12:42 pm

Nicole D This is gorgeous and very touching…thank you so much for sharing every moment with the internet. 🙂February 19, 2012 – 6:17 pm

Taylor Areden this is inspirational and amazing!! CongratulationsFebruary 11, 2012 – 11:16 am

Lakey Lou, almost ONE update […] and moved into just a week before having our first daughter – Parker. This is the home I home-birthed our second daughter, Eden, in. The home where we have made great friends with some wonderful and cherished neighbors. Paul and I […]April 14, 2014 – 2:55 pm

Alexandria VA Birth Photographer | Meghan Hale Photography […] I would spend hours reading her tutorials and looking at her images.  One day I came across this post of her own birth shot by a friend.  I was so blown away by the beauty in the images.  You can […]November 4, 2013 – 8:31 am

Edie is ONE […] Happy BIRTHDAY (a few days early) to my precious – 2nd VBAC-Water-born-home-birth BABY GIRL. […]August 12, 2012 – 9:34 pm