Oh my I used to be such a great blogger, what has happened?
I have been away for far too long – so sorry 🙁
Well, I returned home from a quick and fun trip to Austin.
What brought me there you ask?
The Shooters Workshop – given by Hiram Trillo, Danny Cuevas and Brett Jarnagin.
These fellas LOVE off camera lighting and I was excited to learn a whole’nother side of photography.
Plus, they are goofy, fun and extremely open… no info hoarding here!
It was really exciting when my friend Lynn Nguyen of Lynn In Love Photo told me she was going too!
We wound up driving and bunking together in Austin. She is an absolute DOLL and a GREAT model for me.
(you’ll see beautiful Lynn in MANY of my images)
It was muggy and hot – hello TEXAS – but we had a great time and couldn’t have asked for a better two days.
There were random fire colored skies mixed in with crazy quick showers… bums blessing my baby for a “tip,” a gent off the street holding lights up in the air during MAJOR lightening storm and a bad’ace tatt’ed up fella who happily posed for us to capture his beauty.
YES PLEASE – and thank YOUUUUUU Austin!
(a little sad I missed the opportunity to shoot during the rain, but thankful I did get to POSE in it – YES!)
The other ‘students’ there were awesome, along with the teachers – who I loved.
I am sharing a bunch of images from the two day vaca-school away from home and kids, though numero tres sure did let me know he/she was in attendance with me.
I am also throwing in some late night jumping on mattress and light painting images; which took us an HOUR to get the ‘shot’ we intended… before the technical difficulties and user errors.
This was a fun trip and I am so stoked to put to practice my new SKILLS with the lights… what up!?
We started off with a little bit of natural light…
Then time for some off camera flash – this is at 3pm.
We headed inside to create some images of our own!
Love love love the image on the left!
(shout out to Brett Jarnagin for the SET UP HELP 🙂 )Notice the next two images are VERY different… but it is all about my placement.
I think I like number one the best.SPOT LIT…
Headed back out, just before the crazy sky and storms.
Headed further in Downtown and Hiram – pointed out this cool area.
Helllllllo Lynn!Then Lyncca was awesome and asked this guy (aka: Ryan) if he would be interested in posing for us.
I love his painted skin… so dramatic, deep and beautiful.
We made the poor guy smoke about 6 cigs in 15 minutes.
I let him know we were actually trying to get him to quit. 😉
Smoke+Lighting is AWESOME.
(I had played once before with it in Jamaica)I think this is my favorite.
A little tweak on editing. Dragon Man.
Then we did some quick light painting.
This is Ben… he is super nice and talented!
First photos was an accidental hit of the shutter… 🙁Next image is better… you can see him within HIM.
However I didn’t get ‘the shot’ I reallllly wanted.Since we didn’t get to do much light painting outside, we decided to PLAY in the hotel room.
Yes these two shots took us about an hour.
However, with good and silly reason.
Our darn flash kept going off when it was not supposed to, which will ruin an image like this.
We finally got it… it was SUCH a blast doing this with Lynn.
Like two little giddy girls… weeeeeeee!She was jumping, I was landing 🙂
Next day, just playing around with Lynn and some flash action!
Then I thought about how we can turn flash lights into little stars or balls of light, so I asked Lynn to cup her hands and had another gal hold the flash.
Turned an ordinary image into these:
Al-Servo (said in latin accent).
Flashy Foreheads are super HOT.
Now for the hilarious L+A and mattress silliness:
(I have to preface this by saying THANK YOU SO MUCH to LYNN for allowing us to shoot these on HER CAMERA and SHARING these images with me…We were running around like Loonies, I wish we had a video!)
by Arden Prucha
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