April 18, 2011 – 11:50 am
Oh these images are very cute! I love the very fist one and of course the one on the field is stunning! 🙂Even Though…
She has barely let me put her down for seven days.
I haven’t been able to blog, edit, work, really ANYTHING much at all.
I want to pull my hair out at times.
I cannot fulfill what she needs – because it’s unknown.
I hold her more than ever before.
She wants only Mommy…
and I am what she needs more than anything else.
So what if:
So I get behind in work.
I get frazzled and frustrated.
I want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head.
I am exhausted.
She is my girl.
She needs me more than ever.
She is precious and tender.
Her needs are simple and innocent.
This too shall pass and it will probably too quickly,
for soon enough I won’t even remember this stage.
She loves me.
I love her.
by Arden Prucha
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April 17, 2011 – 10:04 pm
awww, I am with you on this one. My daughter is almost three now and she has always been attached at my hip..I still can’t even go to the bathroom without her following me. Some days I want to lock myself in my bedroom but then I think this will all pass and then I will miss it:)April 17, 2011 – 7:29 pm
Arden, you have captured the essence of beautiful Parker. What a delicate balance she is of you and Paul. Can’t wait to play with her and hold her very soon.April 17, 2011 – 4:47 pm
You will always have this post to remind you of this precious time with her. I adore the last 2. There’s something about her eyes in the black and white that draws me in. I could just stare at it! I’m sure you can’t tear your eyes away…assuming she gives you the time to look at it once more.June 15, 2011 – 1:55 pm
[…] reason I wrote this post and this one a couple months back – because I felt so lost, drained, beat down and didn’t know what […]Today is a very personal post… about how difficult it is being a stay at home mom, a business owner, an artist, a wife, yada yada yada.
Between my two children and my achey body that number three is brining I may just scream.
This story isn’t for sympathy, because I am a tough cookie and know, “This too shall pass.”
It’s just a vent of reality – the reality that many mothers don’t discuss… because it isn’t politically correct.
My son is having a very hard time this week… EVER tidying up, not having to argue anything I say, following directions and not crying.
He is talking a lot in school this week as well… he hasn’t been feeling up to par and hates cleaning his room.
Heck, I cannot blame him – BUT when you make a disaster in 5 minutes, I sure as heck am not cleaning it up… it’s his job, there is surely a learning experience through all of this right?
My daughter has been a whiny mess, feverish, possible teething? She will scream for an hour and a half if she isn’t in my arms at every second.
I put her down… she slams her head into the ground (even if it’s concrete) out of her own frustration and rebellion, which then causes pain and turns the crying into screaming.
She won’t eat anything other than bread, crackers and cheese… literally. Talk about feeling like a horrible mom – here have the cracker that you are crying for, for the 100th time this week.
I had a shoot Monday and Paul said she started screaming and crying and saying ‘Mama’ during her fit… ugh, breaks my heart.
It’s all just a phase… right?
Then come 3/4pm every day my body just begins to ache. Flipping over in bed causes tailbone pain, my neck and head feel flu like, but it’s not the flu – it’s life I guess.
Luckily for me I am getting a massage with some girlfriends on Saturday… AMEN! So, through all of this I am cranky as well.
I am also not a very compassionate and sweet hearted soul – I am a tough mama a tough woman… it’s my personality. Bad things happen – get over it and make it better… a motto I live by? 🙂
Now I do love on them, tell them how much I love them, and cuddle with them, but I don’t baby or pamper them like a soft hearted mama.
I guess I look at the way I was raised, to solve problems rather than weep over and dwell on them.
I was never raised to feel sorry for myself or for them to feel sorry for me, which is great.
Today was like the rest this week… Pierson complaing about his wardrobe and how he has no school clothes (though there aren’t any in the hamper – where the HECK ARE THESE CLOTHES?),
taking about 23 minutes to get pants, a shirt and shoes on… what?! and then not wanting to eat much breakfast and arguing with me when I ask him to eat more. The other morning he had a melt down about pants, it was awful – 30 minutes of crying about pants rather than getting new ones on… worrying about kids that will make fun of him at school. Well guess what? NO one did – in fact no one has EVER made fun of him at school, what a little worried tyke.
So today as he got ready and I asked him to keep his room clean this morning he threw his pjs on his floor and scattered them about… making yet another mess.
This probably sounds silly, but when it becomes an everyday occurance it can drive you and them nuts!
In the car I asked… ‘What are you frustrated with? Is it Parker, that I am having another baby, that your dad is starting a new job, is it ME is it PDaddy?’
Well, his answer was simple: ‘I just don’t want to do all of these things that you want me to do.’
Now, unfortuantely his car ride to school is about 2 minutes, so my response was short and sweet:
‘Pierson, I know I tell you to do things you don’t want to do. This is a parent’s job and I had to do the SAME things at your age, but I am not here to clean up after you and baby you. What I am doing is teaching you!
I am teaching you how to be a good man – I am teaching you that you cannot rely on Mommy to clean up all of your messes… me babying you doesn’t create a good man. If I cleaned up after you on a daily basis I would be creating a man who expects his wife to clean up after him as well. Now, I AM teaching you how to be a man who can take care of himself, clean up after himself and take care of his wife and who respects and takes care of his mother too! I am here to teach you to be responsible… do you understand that?’
A simple reply of ‘Yes Mommy’ with a nod and a smile as he jumped out of the car to run into school.
So will things be fixed come 3:00? I have no idea… but it was neat being able to say – I am teaching you how to be a GOOD MAN. A good MAN. A GOOD man… for the future Mrs. in his life…
because if she will endure anything that I am enduring, she will already have plenty to clean up and take care of… a husband should be the icing on the cake not just another being to clean up after!
Now, I will put my crying baby down for a nap and try to get a bit of quiet and WORK time squeezed in before Parx wakes up and I’ll be holding my baby most of the day, because this is what keeps her from crying 🙂
Leaving this post with some beautiful images taken in December/January during our trip to Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
Colorful, full of love, laughter a brand new baby bump, and my beautiful family – whom I wouldn’t trade for the entire world.
I love them, they all ‘complete’ me 🙂
I wonder what number three is going to bring to the crazy train?
My love.
by Arden Prucha
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April 23, 2011 – 12:42 pm
Arden! You have such a beautiful family, for real. Great work as always. :]April 14, 2011 – 10:53 pm
Great post! Some days/weeks/months are just harder than others but it’s great to know we aren’t alone in feeling tired, worn out, defeated, etc., at times. Thankfully, it’s all worth it in the end.April 14, 2011 – 2:44 pm
I can’t even begin to put words together. What you are doing is absolutely correct! You must save this blog for the day when Pierson is getting married and you can let his future Mrs read it, and hopefully THANK you! You are teaching him what is important, I am sure it isn’t easy, if only every mother (of a son) had/would/did teach him these lessons … we’d all be a little less “on the crazy train.” I love your blog; I love your openness. Thank you, for making me feel NORMAL for being frazzled 101% of the time 🙂
I hope things get better for you and you are feeling better!April 14, 2011 – 1:13 pm
Yes, it will pass, but it will just move onto something else that will be a struggle or a balancing act… 🙂 Great post.April 14, 2011 – 11:50 am
April 14, 2011 – 11:42 am
I love this. You are awesome for sharing this. I know EXACTLY how you feel and have been dealing with the same circumstances lately. IT does pass and I fear I’m gonna miss it when it does. I’ll wonder what I could have done differently or better. I try to smile through the crazy crazy moments! THANK you for opening up and I think its BETTER to be this way!April 14, 2011 – 11:41 am
Amazing! To have the courage to talk about what really is going on in your life, is just BRAVE, BEAUTIFUL & INSPIRING! Oh and all of you are sooo gorgeous! Baby # 3 is going to be just BEAUTIFUL!April 14, 2011 – 11:30 am
Arden…you are beautiful, you have such a beautiful family! I can TOTALLY relate with you right now…2 kids..one on the way, running 2 businesses…sometimes I just want to check out and be done with everything! It is hard…but I LOVED the advice/counsel you gave to your son…I’m going to remember that. I don’t know you personally, but you seem like such a strong, amazing woman and mother and wife. I love your honesty, I think it’s hard for women to come out and say that this whole ‘being a mom’ thing is hard! We are the glue that holds our families together, so it’s hard for us to fall apart! But, we all have our days/weeks…moments that are harder than others!! It will pass, right?! ha! It will!April 14, 2011 – 10:52 am
It’s REALLY GREAT to hear you gals – thank you so much for your support! I know a lot of women don’t speak this – in fear or seeming ‘weak.’ I don’t think of any of this as weakness, only situations to learn from and grow because of. I also don’t handle things properly and don’t say everything ‘right.’ I am okay with that… thank you all for your kindness, your wisdom and your support!April 14, 2011 – 10:49 am
I love your post and totally relate. I love you speech and think I will use that with my soon-to-be five year old, as I too tire of asking him to clean up! Please know that other women out there feel the same as you and are supporting you in spirit!You are so real. So honest. and so NOT the only one that feels this way. Last night I put my kids to bed at 730 and I went to bed at 745. Sometimes the days are just too much and I need to end it so that the next day can begin. And usually, just usually, the next day is better!
Hope your day gets better!April 14, 2011 – 10:37 am
Arden – I know you’re not looking for confirmation but I have to hand it to you – sounds like you’re doing a pretty darn good job at what is the hardest job ever in my opinion…being a mama! Kudos to you girlfriend!
I loved reading this personal post btw. 🙂April 14, 2011 – 10:34 am
April 14, 2011 – 10:32 am
I so identify with all of this. Soon my own little P will be his age, and I’ll have another baby, and I’ll be experiencing all of these things. I’m going to remember what you told him and use it myself someday.I love your post. I don’t love the pain you are feeling, but I love the realist and your stance in motherhood. I have three kids, all in 3 years (18 months apart). I can only hope your 3rd was as good of a baby as mine was. My middle sounds like yours. My baby – still now at 18 months – sits and plays alone so well. Hardly ever cries – was a dream child!
I don’t hear often enough about the tough love mommy. I know exactly where you come from – you love your kids, show them love, but do not cater to them. I wish I heard more of this. This is how we feel in our house as well.
It’s comforting to me to know that other mom’s are like this. I feel your struggle, I feel your pain. And like you said – this too shall pass. I hope that new sweet baby will be good and peaceful.
Take care – and let us know if your speach with your son worked come 3:00!April 14, 2011 – 10:22 am
April 14, 2011 – 10:21 am
thanks for the honesty, Arden! For the record, I think you are a GREAT mom!! Hoping for a better day and for a understanding kid at 3:00pm for you!June 15, 2011 – 10:44 am
[…] reason I wrote this post and this one a couple months back – because I felt so lost, drained, beat down and […]by Arden Prucha
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April 12, 2011 – 4:09 pm
LOVE ALL..So nice and colorful!!!April 12, 2011 – 3:57 pm
Gah! Sooo pretty Arden! I’m drooling over the backdrops you have. I wish there was something cool like this near me! Pretty pictures, pretty girl!April 12, 2011 – 3:46 pm
You’re on a roll this week Arden – these are great! The last one is my fav 😉I was thrilled when Blair contacted me to capture her little tot!
G is almost two and full of energy, personality and raspy giggles.
He was a doll at this sunrise session and did very well being a candid little BOY.
Thank you so much for allowing me to capture the love between a mother and a son!
I told him to smell his stinky feet 🙂
I love these two below:
Headed to the Modern where the wisterias had dropped a lot of their blossoms.
Petal playtime! 🙂
I was so happy to have this mess of purple petals everywhere, what a gorgeous addition.
Time for some lovely lady time…
Blair’s sister came along to help!
Sisterly love 🙂
Thank you both for you help and patience!
by Arden Prucha
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April 13, 2011 – 5:01 pm
WOW WOW WOW. Arden…this is absolutely some of your most incredible work yet. This lil guy looks like he was born to pose for the camera and I know you worked your magic to make it happen. What special memories for him and Blair. LOVE!!!!!April 11, 2011 – 9:51 am
Blair’s eyes are gorgeous! And I love the purple flowers. Wow, so cute and fun! We miss you, Blair 🙂
by Arden Prucha
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