So this past fall and early winter was like a whirlwind for me.
I was packed full of sessions and was loving every bit of it.
It’s so wonderful to have a job where people hire you based on
a. your art
b. your personality
c. your style
d. your prices haha who ever wants to be hired because of this ? 🙂
I feel so honored and humbled by this extended journey I started not-so-long ago.
So as I was amidst my busy season I noticed a swelling lower belly.
Enough swelling that Paul said, ‘Hey there POOCH.‘ (thanks hon)
I thought, surely this’t isn’t Thanksgiving weight gain, please. no really?
Well, come to find out it wasn’t ALL from those lovely turkey day nibbles I devoured. and devoured. and devoured.
We are indeed having ANOTHER precious babe.
We were shocked. The kind of ‘no way is this for real’ shocked.
I mean, it wasn’t TOTAL shock – if ya know what I mean. 😉 I’ll save you the details.
However, we expected the extra pink line to NOT be there… chocking it up to ‘Arden you ate too much over the holidays.‘
We weren’t trying, nor were we ‘not’ trying. 🙂 We were… waiting, I guess?
I, for a brief time, became a bit sad. Not because I didn’t want our precious new love, but because I thought of Parx.
This girl (Parxy) LOVES her mama, I mean so much that sometimes (like last night) only Mommy can make her happy.
Daddy can’t do it, Pierson can’t do it, toys, food, pacis, milk, books – can’t do it. She just wants to be snuggled up with Mommy.
She will scream and cry and fight until I hold her in my arms – I guess as Paul might say, “I am her Oasis.”
I thought, ‘How is Parx going to deal with a new tiny sweet dependent newborn, when she will have to share me?’
Ugh, it broke my heart. She is precious. She is sweet. She is so cuddly and loving and needy,
BUT she is going to have a wonderful sibling – that she is going to be so close to!
I am so excited to see how the dynamics of our children work.
She will never remember a day without this little one, she won’t remember ‘Just Mommy,’ but she will love her family and remember all of the love and fun WE had.
And honestly that is all that matters.
We are thrilled and it’s really starting to sink in now.
I got through my busiest season, taking FOREVER to knock out a bazillion sessions (thank you my patient clients – I love you!)
and enjoying the holidays here and in New Orleans, all while a tiny little precious being was growing inside me.
We are ready for a MORE fun filled, chaotic, and blessed journey.
I have heard that three is SO much different from two. I sure hope so! 😉 We can’t wait and per Paul’s request we will NOT find out the sex of our baby until the BIG DAY!
That day is going to be more amazing than ever!
Thank you all for reading, listening and loving.
(p.s. if you didn’t know my married name is Arden Jenkins)
(p.s.s. I was able to see this sweet dancing bear yesterday, waving their little arms and legs around – that made it TOTALLY real and made me completely elated)
And now, to add a few of my lovely duet… that will soon be a trio!
My niece left her computer over here and Parx has claimed it.
She is known to pull things into our fireplace; I mean HER CUBBBY!

Such serious drummers! 
This girl, ugh has stolen our hearts!
He was cold…unhappy, but I still like this photo.

by Arden Prucha
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