Arden Prucha Photography bio picture
  • HI! I am Arden Prucha Jenkins - a photographer located in Fort Worth, Texas! I specialize in portraiture and more recently weddings! Please take a look around and get to know my work, my style, my life, and me.

    How did I get into photography? Well, everyone has their story right? Looking back I realize that the little photog was in me all along, without even knowing it! I picked up a camera when I was around 8 and started snapping photos - I even posed my neighbors, animals, and Barbies for photos (seriously I made a Barbie wedding and photographed the entire thing). 

    Who am I? Well, I was a teacher for three years, but was able to leave that job to focus on photography and my two beautiful children!  I married a man who I am totally smitten over and he is crazy supportive of me.  I am a bargain shopper with expensive taste.  God allows me to trust this world with less fear and more hope and trust.  Music makes my heart flutter - so thankfully I married a very talented musician. I wish I could carry a tune, but unfortunately I cannot. My favorite month is October (dreamy light) and I miss my convertible - oh the beautiful wind .  When I was little I was amazingly or perhaps annoyingly hyper - and ate more food than all of the boys and was faster than most of them too.  I was a dancer and I love to write and converse.  When I am around people I get more energy and become alive. The differences between women and men intrigue me and kiddos make my heart melt. Photos... well, they fill my heart.

    Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoy what you see.

    If you have any questions or feedback please share with me:


Bok-uh or Bok-ay.

Regardless of how you pronounce it, it’s just scrumptious.

Bokeh is created by your aperture, the wider the aperture, the lower the number, the more shallow depth of field, the MORE BOKEH.

Or buttery blurry delicious background fuzz.

*As someone just asked,”isn’t it the distortion of blur?”

Here is the exact definition of bokeh found here:

Which I am somewhat – talking about bokeh in this post… so there is a confusion – with my writing of bokeh and blur.

” Bokeh is often most visible around small background highlights, such as specular reflections and light sources, which is why it is often associated with such areas.  However, bokeh is not limited to highlights, as blur occurs in all out-of-focus regions of the image.” from Wiki

I was answering a post on I Heart Faces about ‘What did I do wrong?’someone asked.

A gal had taken two different images with the exact same settings, but one everyone was focused and the other image people were blurry.

There is never an EXACT setting to share.

Aperture/Focus/Settings depends on many things a combination of things.

I can think of these off the top of my head, that can really be factors in your bokeh, aperture, blurry or sharp image settings:

1. How your subjects are positioned (if some are further back than others – you want to bump that number UP to increase the depth of field (higher number: i.c. 3.5) if they are side by side, on an equal plane – then you can utilize a more shallow depth of field (lower number: i.e. 1.8, etc.)

side by side – pretty wide aperture

2.  How close you are to your subjects, when you get closer everything changes – you may have been able to caputre three subjects on 2.8 from further away, but when you get closer 2.8 may leave one or more of your subject blurry – you then need to increase depth of field.

3. What look are you going for?  Maybe you want someone/something blurred while focusing on someone else.  In that case widen that aperture baby!  See:

4.  Keep in mind you have a focal distance length on your lens – each lens as well as your placement can change the DOF – whether you have a 24-70mm or a prime lens.  When you are dealing with a prime, you have to move to increase or decrease distance, with a zoom lens you can both move and utilize the different lengths to vary your look.  Go out and play with your camera, an object, you F-stop, your distance, the zoom, etc. and check out ALL of the different images you came up with! 🙂

5.. Also if you want the background more blurry, you need to pull your subjects away from the background… you can see in these images below that Katie is at different distances (as am I) from the wall (and I from her) and the settings are not exact on all three images.

(The first image she is really close to the wall – so the bricks appear in more focus than the other two images, even with a wider aperture than the other two images… the last two images I have pulled her away from the wall quite a bit, probably 10ft +, allowing for that background to create a nice blurry compliment, but your eyes are brought into the subject, also notice the bottom two images have the EXACT same meta-data, but my placement changes the entire image – how cool are those bricks???)

*I am not the most technical of ladies, so some of this may be confusing or worded weird.  Let’s just hope I didn’t say things completely wrong and backwards! 🙂

My point of this post is to learn your camera, play with aperture, play with distance, and figure out your style!

You may HATE BOKEH 🙂

I happen to love it 🙂

Theresa Huff I remember the first time I took a picture and accidentally created Bokeh. Not knowing what it was or even how I did it, only that it looked really cool. Now I strive to create it, understanding how to achieve it on purpose takes practice and understanding. Trying NOT to achieve it means understanding many factors as you pointed out. Through trial and error it finally “clicked”. Thank you Arden for this step by step post and all your contributions on IHEARTFACES. I’m so happy to have found a true professional mentor.December 15, 2010 – 8:54 pm

Karridy I’ve looked quite a bit online for something that would explain this, and I never felt satisfied until now. Great post!December 15, 2010 – 9:18 am

Melanie Reller So I am completely ignorant to have thought that bokeh only had to do with lights being blurred? So glad you straightened me out! 😉December 15, 2010 – 9:06 am

IHF: Puppy

This week’s IHeartFaces challenge is ‘Pet Faces.’

Here is our newest addition:  Jasper

Notice how our youngest wasn’t too sure about the newest 🙂

Check out the other entries here.

Life with Kaishon Wow. Jasper is gorgeous. What a great name! Love it!December 19, 2010 – 3:07 pm

candacesoon Congrats on placing as a winner in this challenge! Love this pic!December 18, 2010 – 10:20 am

Melissa@Novel Photographie Aww, look at them sizing eachother up! Congratulations on the challenge:)December 18, 2010 – 9:41 am

Samantha So cute! They are both adorable!December 14, 2010 – 9:46 pm

Jenn So cute! I love both of their faces!December 14, 2010 – 4:53 pm

Callie Oh, I love this! I could eat them both up! Too cute! Their eyes talk for both of them!December 14, 2010 – 4:37 pm


Yes, yes I am still swamped.

More creating and corresponding, which leaves even less time to do anything else, but edit all my sessions.

I am posting a video of how Parx has been.  She cracks us up, too timid to crawl – too spoiled?

She is attached to me, like a little baby kangaroo – always wanting to be with Mommy.

It is such a sweet feeling, though overwhelming when you work from home.

Pierson took this video and made sure not the ‘shake’ the camera, sweet boy!


Melanie Reller Absolutely charming!!!!
It seems like yesterday we were doing that with my 2 year old. Now I can’t get her to STOP walking. 😉

Tell your son he did a wonderful job holding the camera.December 16, 2010 – 7:51 am

Miss Giny / Au Pays des Merveilles Ooooh so sweet ! 🙂December 13, 2010 – 11:26 pm

Lynn love this. You are such an excellant mother, Arden!December 13, 2010 – 4:42 pm

Busy Girl

So, blogging has not been the priority lately.  I have been posting a ton of peeks, but have a ton of finished sessions I need to post!

I am so so so enveloped in this holiday photo season – editing, ordering, creating, uploading, proofing, shooting, etc.

AND to top it all off I have a feverish son and a teething baby.

This teething baby wants Mama to hold her A LOT, which makes working – REALLY HARD.

However,  I love every part of my life, just pushing to get the images ready for everyone!

Just came back from the doctor only to find out that Pierson has STREP 🙁

It’s been a crazy month.

A few images from yesterday… beautiful siblings that you are sure to recognize!

Fourth Mini Peek