Arden Prucha Photography bio picture
  • HI! I am Arden Prucha Jenkins - a photographer located in Fort Worth, Texas! I specialize in portraiture and more recently weddings! Please take a look around and get to know my work, my style, my life, and me.

    How did I get into photography? Well, everyone has their story right? Looking back I realize that the little photog was in me all along, without even knowing it! I picked up a camera when I was around 8 and started snapping photos - I even posed my neighbors, animals, and Barbies for photos (seriously I made a Barbie wedding and photographed the entire thing). 

    Who am I? Well, I was a teacher for three years, but was able to leave that job to focus on photography and my two beautiful children!  I married a man who I am totally smitten over and he is crazy supportive of me.  I am a bargain shopper with expensive taste.  God allows me to trust this world with less fear and more hope and trust.  Music makes my heart flutter - so thankfully I married a very talented musician. I wish I could carry a tune, but unfortunately I cannot. My favorite month is October (dreamy light) and I miss my convertible - oh the beautiful wind .  When I was little I was amazingly or perhaps annoyingly hyper - and ate more food than all of the boys and was faster than most of them too.  I was a dancer and I love to write and converse.  When I am around people I get more energy and become alive. The differences between women and men intrigue me and kiddos make my heart melt. Photos... well, they fill my heart.

    Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoy what you see.

    If you have any questions or feedback please share with me:

Featured on IHF

I am having so much fun in the I ♥Faces photography community.

Also, getting to know Angie and Amy has been a treat, they are two wonderful gals that make me laugh and blush with their kindness.

How kind and gracious they were to feature me on I ♥ Faces.

Seriously, they have made me feel so blessed and super thankful with their complimentary

(I mean WOW) words about ‘Arden Prucha Photography’ and lil’ole ME. 🙂

How wonderful to be a part of this helpful, fun, and supportive community.

So, thank you IHF and the Two A.gals for making my day, week, month, year!

Um really, just read that first line… see what I mean about blushing?

To read the FULL POST you need to be a member of the IHF free community 🙂

They also have a fun and fabulous workshop that Paul and I will be taking part in… can’t wait for November 5th Amy & Angie!!!

Michelle You totally deserve it! I always look forward to reading your posts since they’re both smart and inspiring. If I ever get to visit Texas, we’re planning a session 😀October 4, 2010 – 11:40 pm

Angie from I Heart Faces You are such a sweetie Arden and it’s been wonderful to get to know you better! Can’t wait to meet you in person in just one month. Yay!!October 4, 2010 – 11:42 am


What can I say, I truly adore this time of year!

Makes me feel more alive and invigorated.

I kinda wish I lived in Cali where it often feels like this and has a beach.

Here are three P(eople) that make Autumn even better!

In fact it should be called (P)autumn… really.

Seriously – I am a lucky gal.  I love my Ps!

linda jenkins Paul,your hair looks great – keep it growig! And,the Little P’s are incredibly beautiful!!October 9, 2010 – 7:05 pm

linda jenkins 3 Beautiful P’s – Love lookin at them – aaaah!!!October 4, 2010 – 8:50 pm


What can I say, I adore this time of year!

Here are three P(eople) that make Autumn even better!

In fact it should be called (P)autumn… really.

Seriously – I am a lucky gal.  I love my Ps!

Fix It Friday #73

I haven’t taken part in these I♥Faces projects in a long time!

I enjoyed editing this photo and added a slight artsy edit, as opposed the the natural SOOC colors.

Here is the photo just how we received it:

My Edit:

(I didn’t look at the other edits because I wanted to create the look from my own vision… in fact I still haven’t looked at anyone’s yet)

First I open in Adobe Camera Raw (ACR):You can see all of the adjustments I made in: exposure, white balance, vibrance, contrast, fill light, and clarity.  Just adjusted them slightly to add a nicer contrast and color to the image.Then I reduced the noise a tad…Adjusted the hues a bit – brought out some colors in her onsie and the purplesIncreased the luminance in the reds and decreased it in other colors giving it a deeper hue.Opened in Adobe Photoshop CS4 (mine is extended version) and started by adjusting the levels; slightly.Using the magnetic lasso tool I latched around the eyes and increased the saturation to give them a slight pop:

(however we don’t want trippy hippy baby with tie-dyed eyes, so less is more)

(Then I wanted to add a little bit of vintage color by adding two color fill layers:The first is a deep blue layer set on exclusion:Now this is too much, so I adjust the opacity to my liking (we all have different taste):36% is my magic number today 🙂To balance out the blue, I added some deeper yellow:Before I decided what to set it on I played around with the different blending options and found linear light to be my eye’s favorite today:Only I had to adjust it WAY WAY down, 8% 🙂Then finally a tad boost of the curves:Voila:  

Fix-It Friday Graphic

Check out all of the entries here!

Miss Giny / Au Pays des Merveilles Wow ! it’s a beautiful edit ! thank you ! I love these colors 🙂October 3, 2010 – 4:15 pm

Mackenzie wow. this is an absolutely beautiful edit! i love what you did to her eyes! i was drawn to them first thing!October 3, 2010 – 2:45 pm

keli @ kidnapped by suburbia wow, i love love love this edit!!! and thank you for sharing your entire process … gorgeous work!

thank you for playing around with my photo today 🙂October 1, 2010 – 3:29 pm

allison beautiful edit- thanks for the great post – loved seeing specifically how you accomplished your results!October 1, 2010 – 2:16 pm

Susan/Project Balancing Act GREAT information!

Susan/Project Balancing Act
Visiting from: 1, 2010 – 12:04 pm

Amy Henderson This is great!October 1, 2010 – 11:28 am

Caroline (Frogmum) Very Nice :D!! I never ‘peek’ first either, that way it’s my work and I’m not trying to keep up with someone else’s ideas. I SOMETIMES add an extra edit AFTER I’ve had a look around..!October 1, 2010 – 10:58 am

Dee Wow, thank you for your detailed instructions! Being a novice I use actions but you’ve shown me what really happens. Oh, I like your completed edit too.October 1, 2010 – 10:51 am

Kelli Loving the creamy skin tones!October 1, 2010 – 10:37 am

J+T E(ngaged)

Oh Jessi and Turner – I truly heart you two.
The love, the humor, the beauty.
How cool that y’all incorporated the vintage vibe into this session.
I am so stoked for your wedding day… relax, breathe, and enjoy this time.

Thank you so much for a wonderful, funny, and AWESOME shoot.

(canvas print?  yes!)

Focusing on her art…

I love how they fit right in with their attire.

Jessi… you are GORGEOUS!

Turner made a good amount of camera eye contact 🙂

Handsome Doctor!

My absolute favorite!Woowoo… hotties.

If you know Jessi, like I know Jessi, like everyone knows Jessi… you know she is fun, crass, hilarious, and unique.

Here are a few capturing the Dr. and soon to be Mrs. being: THEM!

loriana wow! seriously how would you pick a fav! they are so the perfectcouple, your photos are excellence! xoxoOctober 1, 2010 – 11:43 am

Feature on GSS » Arden Prucha Photography […] Jessi and Turner, you two are so freakin’ gorgeous – of course you would be […]October 13, 2010 – 9:57 am