Another year is wrapping up and I am shocked that it is already here.
Last Christmas we announced to our family that we were expecting baby number three!
As I reflect back on 2011 I begin to grin and feel very warm inside.
God has brought so many blessings to us this year.
Through time and questioning we were blessed with a healthy home birth and beautiful daughter: EDEN aka EDIE or Easy E.
Already four months now – she is happy, sleeps well and has such a calm demeanor.
Parx turned two and has accepted her baby sister very well.
She has entered the typical ‘two year old’ syndrom. Lots of fits, screaming, and is super attached to mama. 🙂
Pierson is EIGHT! now & continues to blossom in school and is an amazing big brother.
He helps around the house, loves on all of us and is top of his class!
Paul and I have been blessed in our jobs.
He has a position that he loves, is fun and flexible… and we are able to have a wonderful life because of it!
I am smitten with ‘Arden Prucha Photography’ and plan on making some big changes next year.
This year I definitely went through some more growing pains – in business and in family.
Having three children is a full [OVER]time job. Balancing has been a lot harder than I anticipated.
Anyone who has worked with, visited or chatted with me – surely sees I do NOT have it all together.
However, I am lucky for the sanity, happiness and good things in life I do have. 🙂
Our families and friends are so full of support and love – helping us whenever we need it.
We truly are blessed.
God is OH so good.
Today I am extra grateful for finding my way to the Lord.
It’s from HIM that I have been gifted:
A beautiful and gracious family, understanding and generous friends, a plethora of ‘things’ I need and want, never going without, a passion that I continue to learn from and such complimentary and heart warming fans…
I thank each person in my life. For those of you who continue to encourage me, without every having MET please know that your words are fulfilling, uplifting and push me to be a better person and photographer.
So today I hope each one of you has a beautiful end to 2011.
May you have a blessed and very merry CHRISTMAS.

by Arden Prucha
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