I got this CLEVER idea from The Creative Mama… a blog I subscribe to.
She created these and I just HAD to copy her idea!
I literally found this AND did all of this (even purchased the cards, because I am a wonderful procrastinator) on Christmas Eve Day.
It was simple, it was easy, it was such a neat way to display gift cards!
I utilized some stuff that I had at home and stuff from CVS: tinsel, glitter, snowflake wire, stones from the backyard, water, hot glue, jars.
I also was able to recycle pasta jars, though I would have painted the lids… if only I had paint that would have stuck to metal. Shucks.
The Hairdryer was to dry the painted lids, big mistake… it just bubbled up. I had to give up on making those lids look pretty 🙂
Hot glue those sweet little PLASTIC GIFT CARDS on the lid of the jar. (notice: glue upside down if the lid is the top)
The whole idea behind the BROWN PAINTED STONES – is because I purchased my parents a gift certificate at the DELICIOUS BROWNSTONE Restaurant!
I tried to be clever, get it: brown stones 😉My other jar had a big gift certificate (Brownstone), so I hot glued the PAPER BUSINESS CARD on the top of the jar and DID NOT add water to that one.
I filled up the plastic card jar with water and GLITTER!!!! SEE: (left)
What a festive way to receive a plain jane gift card!!!
by Arden Prucha
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