Arden Prucha Photography bio picture
  • HI! I am Arden Prucha Jenkins - a photographer located in Fort Worth, Texas! I specialize in portraiture and more recently weddings! Please take a look around and get to know my work, my style, my life, and me.

    How did I get into photography? Well, everyone has their story right? Looking back I realize that the little photog was in me all along, without even knowing it! I picked up a camera when I was around 8 and started snapping photos - I even posed my neighbors, animals, and Barbies for photos (seriously I made a Barbie wedding and photographed the entire thing). 

    Who am I? Well, I was a teacher for three years, but was able to leave that job to focus on photography and my two beautiful children!  I married a man who I am totally smitten over and he is crazy supportive of me.  I am a bargain shopper with expensive taste.  God allows me to trust this world with less fear and more hope and trust.  Music makes my heart flutter - so thankfully I married a very talented musician. I wish I could carry a tune, but unfortunately I cannot. My favorite month is October (dreamy light) and I miss my convertible - oh the beautiful wind .  When I was little I was amazingly or perhaps annoyingly hyper - and ate more food than all of the boys and was faster than most of them too.  I was a dancer and I love to write and converse.  When I am around people I get more energy and become alive. The differences between women and men intrigue me and kiddos make my heart melt. Photos... well, they fill my heart.

    Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoy what you see.

    If you have any questions or feedback please share with me:

Baby Elle

Oh sweet girl – she was ready to party when I arrived.
It took this 8 day old gal about an hour to fall asleep.
Sweet Phu and Jack rocked it as my lovely assistants – poo’ed on and all! 🙂

Thank you for allowing me into your home and trusting me with your beautiful new daughter.

Congrats to the new family of three.

Oh, love these!

‘Hook’em Miss E’

Love that swirl!

Normally I don’t like ‘Mama’ to be around – that scent gets them hungry, but BabyE wanted Mommy around for soothing.

Way to go Phu!  Especially after a rough birth, such a trooper.

My favorite of the PFamily!

At this point Baby E was done with me, she was smiling – knowing the session was over!

Jasmine Lai amazing girl in a wonderful family. how sweet it is. Congatulations, Phu and Jack.November 2, 2010 – 8:33 am

Rachel Oswalt Those hats and hair accessories are are awesome! Great pictures Arden!October 25, 2010 – 4:26 pm

maury BEAUTIFUL!!!! makes me want another little tiny baby 🙂 it just goes by WAY too fast! you are amazing my friend!October 24, 2010 – 9:00 pm

Krista and Ryan Gorgeous, adorable session! I can’t wait for you to come visit and take pics after our little girlie is born!October 24, 2010 – 2:38 pm

Baby Elle: 7 Months » Arden Prucha Photography […] will recognize them from their maternity and newborn […]June 13, 2011 – 12:42 pm


I am part of the Oh So Very Me Blog Hop entitled ‘Happiness.’

Each Day a new participant blogs about what happiness means to them.

Hop from blog to blog, day by day, and find each person’s ‘happy.’

Read yesterday’s post from: Eleven PM

Be sure to check tomorrow’s post from: I Dream Loudly

I can’t wait to see what the other blogs have to say!

Me+_______= Happy

I contemplated on what to describe as happiness.

I thought.  Pondered.  Dug Deep.  Realized.

What makes my heart tick?  What makes me smile?  What is passion, love, glee, emotional, blissful, butterflies, tears, head turning?

For me it’s simplicity.

I am a grown woman, who has traded in nights out on the town for nights at home: sitting down at the dinner table with my family, tucking my children in, sipping on wine, cuddling with my husband, hot bubble baths, movies, reading magazines, blogging.

Below are images, that may not be my finest photograph; as far as composition, exposure, art, or symmetry.

Below are images that touch my heart – my simple pleasures – my happiness.

One thing I try to tell people who are unsure about career, love life, education, fears… is that make sure you LOVE what you do:  Do what YOU LOVE!

I am a blessed being here – blessed with my beautiful children, my lovely husband, and a career that I absolutely adore.

Love encompasses me.  Every.Single.Day.

Not all wrapped up in a pretty pink bow; but raw, real, through thick and thin, up and down, roller-coaster LOVE.

“I do,” I said to him.


Sweet Perfection.

My children and their reciprocal LOVE.

Pete.  My morning snuggle bug.

Family…A man.  A husband.  A father.

A lovely great Meme, who just recently left our earth… who adored our children and taught us what unconditional LOVE is.

A little fish.  Content in the water, like his mommy.

Parents.  Their support, guidance, compassion, and tough LOVE.

Grandmother’s.  Spoiling and LOVING our children.

New Orleans.  The city that my heart LOVES.


An unexpected gift from God.



Lines. Symmetry. Architecture.

My job.  A passion uncovered years after burial.

A dewy sunrise.

Dates.  Good Food. Gestures.

Somewhere over the…

My son’s creations.  His art.

My niece and nephew, new to our family last year.

Cooking. Food. Health.

The ability to goof off and have fun.

Daydreaming. Sigh.

Deep. Good. LOVE.

My sister.  Who has been courageous and positive.  Through bad, comes good!

And I end it with the 29th photo.  Now in my 29th year of life it’s still fun to be able to laugh at myself.

I love humor, I love LOVE, I love life!

What is happiness to you?
I would love to hear what makes you happy, please share if you will!

Check out the other participants below.
oh, so very me

Samantha Workman I don’t know why, but I always find myself crying as I read your blogs. Gorgeous images! I think my favorite is the rainbow. Makes Me Smile!!October 25, 2010 – 3:37 pm

Sarah Arden – lovely poignant images. LOVE IT!October 23, 2010 – 8:58 pm


Oh I am so excited to announce the winner of the lovely hair piece provided by Jennifer Claire of Memento Designs is….

drumrolllllllllllll please!

And number 37 is….

Barb Gilchrist with this comment:

“just “liked” momento designs and arden prucha photography on FB”

Email me to get the prize goody goin!

Thanks ladies for being so wonderful, gracious, generous, and supportive.

May have to do this more often!

Thanks Jennifer Claire for providing such a cool hair treat!

barb gilchrist oh my gosh! how awesome! i never win:) thank you so much! love your site and pictures by the way- very beautiful!October 23, 2010 – 11:06 pm

Nikki T Congrats!October 23, 2010 – 3:13 pm

Memento Designs Giveaway » Arden Prucha Photography […] Find the winner HERE […]October 23, 2010 – 9:35 am

Hayden Peek

Oh my sweetness, they are both ALL BOY and super precious.

Memento Designs Giveaway

Giveaway CLOSED 🙂

Find the winner HERE

My dear and talented friend Jennifer Claire Vaughn of Memento Designs is gracious enough to giveaway a custom hair accessory!

She produces these beautiful pieces in her home office and is so creative with her hair goodies; among other things.

-Please read the entire post before entering-

How to win, you ask??? Well I am not going to MAKE you tweet or FB about it; unless you want an extra entry 😉

A must For ONE entry:

Head over to Jennifer’s lovely blog “Memento Designs” and take a look around. Then…

Come back here and leave a comment below on THIS POST about what you love most about her blog/goodies/posts.

***For (6) EXTRA entries you can do any or all of the following (each number below counts for one entry, please leave a comment for each, so you can have a total of up to SEVEN comments)***

  1. “Like” Memento Designs on FB and “Like” Arden Prucha Photography on FB (if you already are a ‘liker’ leave a comment telling me, YOU ARE RAD!)
  2. Post on a blog or forum linking them back to this page: – you must provide the link where you posted 🙂
  3. RSS/Subscribe to Memento Designs (look for the orange logo)
  4. RSS/Subscribe to Arden Prucha Photography Blog (orange logo on the menu bar ‘subscribe’)
  5. Tweet about this giveawaysample @arden prucha is having a giveaway from Memento Designs on her blog:
  6. FB about this giveaway linking @ardenpruchaphotography and/or @mementodesigns (they have to be linked, not just the name) sample: @arden prucha photography is giving away a @memento designs hair piece at !

Remember you must leave a comment below for EACH entry. 🙂

Giveaway ends at 12am Friday Night baby, so that gives you over 24 hours, but that’s it 🙂  I am not a long and drawn out type.  If you are going to do, now’s the time.

*May I note that I do not want you to ‘like’ or follow anything that you do not want to.  Please do not do so just for extra entries; only to ‘delete’, ‘de-like’, or unfollow right after the contest is over.  Seriously, that is just silly, selfish, and offensive… just do the entries that you are comfortable with, por favor.  I am sure Jennifer would agree that we would like people who truly believe in our work and love what we do to become our friends & ‘fans.’

Thanks 🙂

Now for the lovely prize:

(Thank you for the image Jennifer)

Um, super cute, funky, and totally girly.

Also Jennifer has generously said that the WINNER will be able to pick a color scheme of their choice (if the one below doesn’t tickle their fancy).

She will make zee’winner an oh so beautiful one of a kind hair accessory!

Well, isn’t that fun?

Here are a few more images of her lovely, romantic, and unique creations:

She is just as pretty and dainty as her art!

sarah mayer jackson I am so impressed with Arden and Memento Designs – Jennifer. These are truly beautiful products!September 8, 2011 – 8:08 pm

Mary Brenneman I love looking around on memento designs. There are so many neat ideas and Jennifer’s designs are gorgeous! Tuesday Table is one of my favorites though! Arden and Jennifer are both so talented!October 22, 2010 – 6:22 pm

Nikki T Babo … I am SO excited to see how many people are entering your FIRST contest. Jennifer is extremely talented (as are you …DUH!!) Love you sis and **beaming** with pride!!October 22, 2010 – 5:31 pm

Lori MCarty Haha! I don’t tweet but I’ll definitely tell our fun neighbors and the girls at work about it!!October 22, 2010 – 4:22 pm